Salariés ayant mal au dos à leur bureau.

I’ve just come across another survey on occupational health which highlights a pressing need for preventive health in the workplace.

The broker Alptis is offering it, and it comes as no surprise. Once again, the figures speak for themselves.

62% of participants report having suffered pain related to their posture at work over the past year. The areas most affected? Lumbar region, back, neck and shoulders. It’s a problem that keeps recurring.

36% of respondents would like support to improve their well-being at work. The main areas? Reducing stress, improving sleep and diet, and encouraging regular exercise.

At AbilyCare, these data resonate with our mission: to promote preventive and predictive health.

We’re calling on those responsible for human resources, safety and prevention in companies: it’s time to take action! Work should not be synonymous with suffering for more than half your employees!

Together, we can avoid these situations by identifying employees at risk at an early stage.
Join the Movement – Contact us !


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